About Us

The Hungry for Music story began in 1992, when Founder and Director Jeff Campbell (in photo) organized a street musician concert to benefit the homeless. Within three years, he formed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to expanding opportunities in music for children.

Since then, Hungry for Music has placed more than 22,000 instruments into the hands of aspiring musicians. Children whose trajectory has been altered by the uplifting and life-changing gift of music.

We've delivered everything from guitars and trombones to violins and xylophones to kids in 50 states and 35 countries.

We collect and redistribute more than 2,000 instruments annually and, in our 30-year journey, we've become a full-time force for good in the musical community.

jeff campbell, hungry for music

Jeff Campbell, Founder and Director

Hungry for Music's purpose is to embrace the positive qualities of music: its ability to create community, to inspire, to express a talent, to unite, and most importantly its ability to heal."
– Jeff Campbell

We Couldn't Do It Without the Hungry for Music Community

We look back with satisfaction, joy, and gratitude at the number of instruments that we have distributed in our history. At the same time, we are humbled by the knowledge that our outreach would not be possible without the generosity and commitment of the community of volunteers, supporters, donors, artists, and musicians who contribute time, resources, and talent.  They are the life force that flows through Hungry for Music and we would not be able to give the gift of music without them.

hungry for music - hungry for more

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20-Year Retrospective

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Our Timeline - 25 Years of Service

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